Significant Discovery Potential
The Reid-Aylmer project, covering 157km², is located 330km northeast of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada.
Access from the city of Yellowknife is via sealed and predominately winter roads that service the large Ekati, Diavik, and Gahcho Kué diamond mines.
Initial limited exploration has resulted in the discovery of the large Argus pegmatite which sampling has confirmed to contain high levels of spodumene including exceptionally coarse crystal clusters. The Argus pegmatite is interpreted from satellite imagery to form part of a 3km x 1.5km swarm of pegmatites. Midas is yet to assess other pegmatites within the swarm.
The region contains numerous known lithium occurrences and is geologically similar to the Yellowknife pegmatite field. Midas has staked areas following a detailed regional geology review and ground truthing by its technical team.
Further reading (ASX announcements):
- 09/04/2024 – Midas set to recommence exploration on Reid-Aylmer Project, Canada
- 12/12/2023 – Pegmatite discovery of up to 7.25% Li2O, Reid-Aylmer Project
- 27/10/2023 – Midas Stakes Reid-Aylmer Lithium Project, NWT, Canada
Argus pegmatite outcrop with sample locations.

Coarse spodumene crystals at Argus pegmatite at Reid-Aylmer
Midas Minerals is a precious metals and critical minerals exploration company with projects in Western Australia and Canada. Please contact us via the details below.
- +61 8 6383 6595
- [email protected]
Level 2, 8 Richardson St
West Perth WA 6005
PO Box 571
West Perth WA 6872